الخطة البحثية

اهداف الخطة البحثية

1-    استحداث برامج للدراسات العليا لتلبى احتياجات المجتمع.

2-    توفير مناخ ملائم للبحث العلمى.

3-    دعم البحث.

4-    تنمية قدرات أعضاء هيئة التدريس.

5-    إيجاد مصادر لتمويل البحث العلمى.

6-    أجراء دراسات علمية فى مختلف العلوم الاساسية.

7-    دراسة تطبيقية لحل المشكلات المختلفة المتعلقة بتنمية الثروة السمكية مثل انتاج اللقاحات لمقاومة الامراض الوبائية.

مجالات تطبيق الخطة البحثية

1-    تسمح مجالات الخطة البحثية لكل من اعضاء هئية التدريس وطلاب الدراسات العليا باختيار المشاكل التى تحقق أهداف القسم العلمية و أبحاث فى مختلف العلوم الأساسيةوتشمل:

  • التأثير العلاجي أو الوقائي لبعض الأعشاب و المستخلصات النباتية والمخلقة على سمية بعض المواد وبعض الأمراض مثل امراض التسمم الدموى البكتيرى
  • دراسة الآثار الجانبية لبعض الأدوية المستخدمة على الخلايا و الأنسجة الحيوانية والأجنة وبحث ميكانيكيات عملها علي المستوي الجزيئي.
  • دراسة ميكانيكيات عمل بعض الأمراض علي الخلايا والأنسجة ومناعة وفسيولوجيا الاسماك.
  • اكتشاف وتطبيق  بعض العلاجات الغيرضارة بالبيئة وكذلك المستهلك للأمراض التى قد تصيبالاسماك وخاصة المستزرع منها.
  • اكتشاف بعض الطفيليات ذات التأثير الممرضللإنسان أو الحيوان واستكمال دورات حياتها ومقاومتهابوسائل علاجية حديثة .

·        عمل دراسات لانتاج اللقاحات ضد الامراض الوبائية للاسماك كاجراء وقائى هام للحد من انشارها.

 الخطة البحثية

Key words

Suggested Research topics

Edwardsiellosis , Edwardsiellatarda, DNA vaccine, septicemia

Construction of DNA vaccine against Edwardsiella tarda incriminated in bacterial septicemic syndrome.

(Ph D Thesis)

Aeomonashydrophila, prevention, fresh water fish

Contribution toward prevention and control of septicemic syndrome caused by Aeromonashydrophila in cultured freshwater fish.

(Master Thesis)

lernaeosis, prevention

Prevention and control of lernaeosis

yellow grub disease, prevention

Prevention and control of yellow grub disease

dactylogyrosis and gyrodactylosis

Prevention and control of dactylogyrosis and gyrodactylosis

Mycosis, fishsaprolegniacae,

Prevention and control of mycotic diseases caused by selected saprolegniacae


Bacteria, edwersiellatarda,septicemic syndrome,vibrios

Prevention and control of septicemic syndrome caused by edwersiellatarda and vibrio species.


Mycobacteriosis, control

Prevention and control of mycobacteriosis.


bacterial pathogens, Molecular tool, septicemic syndrome.

Molecular tools for simultaneous diagnosis of bacterial pathogens incriminated in septicemic syndrome.




أهم الاهتمامات البحثية


بريد اليكترونى


الاهتمامات البحثية

التخصص الدقيق

التخصص العام





Prevention and control of fish parasitic diseases by natural substances.

امراض الاسماك

طب بيطرى

ا.د/ منال عادل احمد




Molecular diagnostic tools in field of fish diseases and vaccine development.

امراض الاسماك

طب بيطرى

د/ مرتضى محمد عبد الحميد




Field diagnosis of fish bacterial diseases.

امراض الاسماك

طب بيطرى

د/ فاطمة مصطفى محمد


الاستمرارية والتطوير

1-    السعى الدائم للحصول على مشاريع من داخل الجامعة او من خارجها

2-    عمل بروتوكولات تعاون مع الاقسام العلمية المناظرة وايضا المراكز البحثية المتميزة داخل وخارج مصر

3-    تدريب العاملين والفنيين واعضاء هيئة التدريس ومعوانيهم على احدث التقنيات

4-    انشاء واستحداث وحدات جديدة تتوافق مع التقدم التكنولوجي الحادث فى البحث العلمى

قائمة ابحاث اعضاء هيئة التدريس بالقسم

Prof. Dr. ManalAdel Ahmed Essa

  • Some investigations on aflatoxicosis in cultured common carp (Cyprinuscapio L.). MarzoukM.S.M. Manal A.A. and Shaheen A.A.Vet. Med. J. Giza. Vol.42, No.1 (1994): 169-174.
  • Effect of Virginiamycin on performance and susceptability of Oreochromisniloticus to Aeromonashydrophila infection.Essa, Manal A.A.; Hady Ali, Maha M. And Marzouk, M.S.J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass. 55,No. 1,2: (1995) 109-121
  • Lernaeosis outbreak in cultured freshwater fish fingerlings at Kafr El-Sheikh governorate, Egypt.Essa, Manal A.A; Olfat A. Mahdy and M. El-Said Essa. Egypt. J. Comp. Pathol. &Clinc. Pathol., Vol. 8, No. 2 October, (1995), 109-121.
  • Parasitological and pahtological studies on heterophyid infection in Tilapia species from Manzala Lake, Egypt.Olfat A. Mahdy; Manal A. A. Essa and M. El-Said Essa.Egypt. J. Comp. Pathol. &Clin. Pathol. Vol.8, No. 2 October, (1995), 131-145.
  • Some epizootiological aspects of ichthyophonosis in freshwater fish from Egypt.Manal A.A. Essa; Nahla R.H. El-Khatib and M. El-Said Easa.7th Sci. Cong. 17-19, Nov. 1996, Fac. Vet. Med., Assuit, Egypt. 290-305.
  • A contribution to some microbial problems in cultured freshwater prawn (Macrobrachiumrosenbegii) in Kafr El-Sheikh governorate.Manal A.A. Essa, Nasr M. El-Bahy and Samira S. Rezeka.Issn 1110-2047. Alex. J. Vet. Science, (1997), Vol. 13 No.4: 459-472
  • Fiz –A- Tox in aquaculture : 1- Effect of aflatoxin decontamination by a selective chemisorbent materials on the Oreochromisniloticus with considering fish. processing efficacy.Kawther M. Soliman, Ahmed M. Ayesh, Manal A. A. Essa and KhayriaNaguib.Issn 1110-5321. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., Vol.25 (A), Comparative Physiology, 1-19, Jan. 1998.
  • Fdix-A- Tox in aquaculture : II- Monitoring the prevention effect of Fix-A-Tox against aflatoxicosis in cultured Oreochromisniloticus.Manal A.A. Essa, Kawther M. Soliman, and Hala M.F.EL- Miniawi. Vet. Med. J., Giza. Vol. 46, No.3 (1998):267-284.
  • Investigation on the effectiveness of levamisole in therapeutic measures against saprolegniosis in Oreochromisniloticus. Manal A.A Essa, Samira S. Rezeka and Salwa M. Helmi. Beni-Suef Vet. Med. J. Vol.(9), No. 3B(1999): 713-725.
  • Monitoring the stress role in the promotion of yersiniosis among cultured Oreochromisniloticus (O.niloticus) in egypt.Manal A.A Essa, Mona M. Hussein and Nashwa S. Elias.Beni-Suef Vet. Med. J. Vol. XI., No. (2) Oct., 2001: (773-789).
  • Impact of some unconventional feeds on performance, cortisol and natural resistance against yersiniosis in Oreochromisniloticus.Maha M. Hady and Manal A.A. Essa,J. Egypt  Vet. Med. Assoc. 62, No. 6B: (129-145) 2002.
  • Some studies on spring viraemia in common carp (Cyprinuscarpio) in Egypt.Manal A.A. Essa,Tamam, S.M. and Madbouly, H.M.Beni-Suef Vet. Med. J. Vol. XIII. No. (1): Oct., 2003: (301-314).
  • Role of stress-inducing corticosteriod  on the development of parasitosis in Oreochromisniloticus fish.Manal A.A. Essa, Mahmoud A.M. and Olfat A. Mahdy.J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Assoc. 63, No. 4 (133-153) 2003.
  • Verification of the deleterious effects of lernaeosis on the health of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodonidella).Manal A.A. Essa, Mohamed A.A. Abd El-Galil, Wahid M.A. Mousa and ShawkyS.Ibrahim. Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. & Fish, Vol. 7, No.4:(241-261) 2003.
  • Trials for control of lernaeosis in hatchery reared cyprinids by vaccination.Manal A.A. EssaAbd El-Galil M.A., Mousa W.M.A. and Ibrahim S.S.J. Egypt Vet. Med. Assoc. 64, No. 1:(263-284)2004.
  • Usage of sodium chloride and potassium permanganate during Oreochromisniloticus transportation as stress mitigation and prophylactic treatment.Manal A.A. Essaand M.A.A. Abd El-Galil.Proc. The 1st Intern. Conf. Vet. Res. Div., NRC, Cairo, Egypt, February 15-17th (2004).
  • Studies on the treatment of Lernaeosis in farmed cyprinuscarpio by ivermectin. Dr. Abd El-Galil M. A. A.11th Sci. Cong. 2004( 335-350), Fac. Vet. Med., AssiutUniv.
  • Effect of Nigella sativa &Trigonellafoenumgraecum seeds additives on growth Performance & disease resistance of Nile tilapia ( Oreochromisniloticus). Hayam D. Tonsy&Manal A. A. Essa. Society for environmental development ISSN1110-8754.vol6(no.1) (2005) (B- Aquaculture)
  • “Some epizootiological studies on mycobacteriosis in ornamental fishes.” Mohamed S. M. Marzouk, Manal A. A. Essa, Fawzy R. El-seedy, Essam A. Nasr and Doaa M. Abd El-Gawad. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, Vol. 11, No. 3:(885-898) 2007. ISSN 1110-6131.
  • “Histopathological and Epizootiological Studies on Mycobacteriosis in some Ornamental Fishes.”M.S.M. Marzouk, Manal A.A. Essa, F.R. El-Seedy, Amany M. Kenawy and Doaa M. Abd El-Gawad. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture, Roanoke, Virginia, USA, July 25-27 (2008).
  • “Susceptibility of different freshwater fishes to rota-virus infection” M.S.M. Marzouk, M.M. Ali, Manal A.A. Essa, M.D. Ibrahem. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture (ISTA 08), Cairo, Egypt, October 12-14 (2008).
  • “Epizootiological and Histopathological Studies on Mycobacteriosis in Some Ornamental Fishes.”M.S.M. Marzouk, Manal A.A. Essa, F.R. El-Seedy, Amany M. Kenawy and Doaa M. Abd El-Gawad. Global Veterinaria. Vol. 3, No. 2:(137-143) 2009. ISSN1992-6197.
  • “Control of Lernaeosis in Hatchery Reared Cyprinuscarpio Fingerlings by Colophony and its Steamed Oil.” M.A.A. Abd El-Galil, Manal A.A. Essa, Fatma M.M. Korni. Global Aquaculture & Fisheries Research Conference & Exhibition. Cairo, Egypt, October 24-26 (2009).
  • “Impairment of female Oreochromisniloticus fecundity exposed to Butachlor herbicide.”Manal A.A. Essa, M.S.M. Marzouk, Nashwa S. Elias, Maysa H. Shaker, Ghada M.A. Mohamed. Beni-Suef Veterinary Medicine Journal. Vol. 20, No. 1:(38-43) 2010.
  • “Pathogenesis of mycobacteriosis in goldfish (Carassiusauratus)”.M.S.M. Marzouk, M. Mostafa, Kh.A. El-Nesr, Manal A.A. Essa, and DoaaAbd El-Gowaad.  Egyptian Journal of Comparative Pathology & Clinical Pathology. Vol. 24, No.2:(67:84) 2011.
  • “Diagnosis and safe prevention of Edwardsiellosis in Oreochromisniloticus.Manal A.A. Essa, M.M.A. Hussein, M.A.A. Abd El-Galil, and Fatma M.M. Korni. Proceedings of the 5th Global Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Conference. Cairo, Egypt, October 1-3 (2012).

Dr. Mortada Mohamed


Studies on saprolegniasis in salmonids in Hokkaido

Mortada Hussein, KishioHatai

7 Dec. 20011; Edition: 1st Edition, Publisher: Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-8465-9911-2


B) Scientific papers:

  • Hussein, M. M. A. and K. Hatai. Saprolegniasalmonis sp. nov. isolated from sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchusnerka.Mycoscience,40, 385-389, 1999.
    • Hussein, M. M. A.; S. Wada and K. Hatai, A. Yamamoto.Antimycotic activity ofeugenol against selected water molds. Aquatic Animal Health12, 224-229, 2000.
    • Hussein, M. M. A.;K. Hatai and T. Nomura.Saprolegniosis in salmonids and theireggs in Japan. Journal ofWildlife Diseases37 (1), 204-207, 2001.
    • 5. Hussein, M. M. A.; M. A. El-Feki; K. Hatai and A. Yamamoto. Inhibitory effects of thymoqinone from Nigella sativa on pathogenic Saprolegniain fish. Biocontrol Science, 7(1), 31-35, 2002.
    • 6. Hussein, M. M. A. and K. Hatai. Pathogenicity of Saprolegniaspecies associated with outbreaks of salmonidsaprolegniosis in Japan.Fisheries Science68, 1067-1072, 2002.
    • 7. El-Feki, M.; K. Hatai and M. M. A. Hussein. Chemotactic and chemokinetic of Saprolegniaparasitica toward different metabolites and fish tissue extracts.Mycoscience, 44, 159-162, 2003.
    • 8. Hussein, M. M. A. and W. H. Hassan. Antibacterial activity of eugenol against selected fish pathogenic bacteria. Proc. The 1st Intern. Conf. Vet. Res. Div., NRC, Cairo, Egypt. pp. 356-364, February, 2004.
    • 9. Hussein, M. M. A. Contribution towards introduction of eugenol as a fish anesthetics in Carp, Cyprinuscarpio, fish hatcheries in Egypt: Field trials. Proc. 11thSci.Cong. Fac. Vet. Med., Assiut Univ., Egypt.2004
    • 10. Hussein, M. M. A. and K. Hatai. Multiplex PCR for detection of Lactococcusgarvieae, Streptococcus iniae and S. dysgalactiae in cultured Yellowtail. Aquaculture Science54 (3), 269-274. 2006
    • 11. Hussein, M. M. A. and K. Hatai. Chronic mortalities in cultured yellowtail, Seriolaquinqueradiata (Temminck and Schlegel) and amberjack, Serioladumerili (Risso), during winter due to streptococcosis in southern Japan. Egyptian journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries11 (3), 817-832. 2007.
    • 12. Abd El Rahman, A. H.; Abd El Galil, M. A.; Kamel, H. H. and Hussein, M. M. A.Effect of saprolegniosis on Oreochromisniloticus. Egyptian journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries11 (3), 749-761. 2007.
    • 13. Hussein, M. M. A., W. H. Hassan.Efficacy of fosfomycin in controlling streptococcosis in Nile tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus). BeniSuef Veterinary Medical Journal21 (1). 59-66. 2011
    • 14. Essa A. A. , Hussein M. M. A, Abd El-Galil M. A.A., Korni F. M. M. Diagnosis and safe prevention of Edwardsiellosis in Oerochromisniloticus. The Global Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture  Research. 5, 147- 159. 2012
    • 15.Hussein M. M. A., W. H. Hassan, I. M. I. Moussa. Potential use of allicin (garlic, Allium sativum Linn, essential oil) against fish pathogenic bacteria and its safety for monosex Niletilapia (Oreochromisniloticus). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 11 (1): 696-699 .2 0 1 3.
    • 16. Hussein, M. M. A., Hassan W. H. Maha A. M. Pathogenicity of Achlyaproliferoidesand Saprolegniadiclina(Saprolegniaceae) Associated with Saprolegniosis Outbreaks in Cultured Nile Tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus). World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences 5 (2), 188-193. 2013.
  •     17. Ebied, S. K. M., Ali, H. A., Hussein, M. M. A.   Studies on some pathogenic bacteria in cultured Nile tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus) with special reference to Aeromonashydrophila and its sensitivity to different antimicrobial agents and some herbal extracts.Animal Health Research Journal 4 (1), 340-355. 2016.

·        Hussein, M. M. A. and K. Hatai. In vitro inhibition of Saprolegniaby bacteria isolated from lesions of Salmonids with saprolegniasis. Fish Pathology36 (2), 73-78. 2001.

Dr. Fatma Mostafa Mohamed Korni

-Control of Lernaeosis in hatchery reared Cyprinus carpio fingerlings by colophony and its steamed oil. M.A.A. Abd El-Galil, Manal A.A. Essa, Fatma M.M. Korni. Global Aquaculture & Fisheries Research Conference & Exhibition. Cairo, Egypt, October 24-26 (2009) 353-365.

-Studies on Lernaeosis and the efficacy of Dipterex as treatment in the Hatchery Reared Fingerlings of Cyprinids. Mohamed A. A. Abd El-Galil, ESSA, M. A. A., Fatma M.M. Korni. Journal of American Science, 2012; 8(8).

 -Diagnosis and safe prevention of Edwardsiellosis in Oreochromis niloticus. Manal A.A. Essa, M.M.A. Hussein, M.A.A. Abd El-Galil, and Fatma M.M. Korni. Global Proc. of The 5th Global Fisheries & Aqua. Research Conf., Egypt, (2012) (5) pp. 147 - 159.

-Lernaeosis affecting hatchery reared common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fries and a novel approach for its treatment. Fatma  M. M Korni. Global Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture Res., (2014).1, (2): pp. 173 -189.

- Experimental infection of atypical Aeromonas salmonicida in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and its treatment with carvacrol and cymene mixture. Fatma Mostafa Mohamed Korni. J. Fish Pathol., (2015).28 (3) : 145-155.

- Diagnosis of motile aeromonas septicemia in Catfish Clarias gariepinus and its trial for prevention in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. Fatma  M. M. Korni. Global Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture Res., (2015).2, (3): pp. 47 -63.